ChemTSv2: Functional molecular design using de novo molecule generator
Jul 1, 2023·,,,,,,,·
0 min read
Shoichi Ishida
Tanuj Aasawat
Masato Sumita
Michio Katouda
Tatsuya Yoshizawa
Kazuki Yoshizoe
Koji Tsuda
Kei Terayama
Designing functional molecules is the prerogative of experts who have advanced knowledge and experience in their fields. To democratize automatic molecular design for both experts and nonexperts, we introduce a generic open-sourced framework, ChemTSv2, to design molecules based on a de novo molecule generator equipped with an easy-to-use interface. Besides, ChemTSv2 can easily be integrated with various simulation packages, such as Gaussian 16 package, and supports a massively parallel exploration that accelerates molecular designs. We exhibit the potential of molecular design with ChemTSv2, including previous work, such as chromophores, fluorophores, drugs, and so forth. ChemTSv2 contributes to democratizing inverse molecule design in various disciplines relevant to chemistry.
WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 13, e1680